Novità in Libreria | 4-10 Settembre

Buon lunedì!
Oggi non perdo tempo e passo subito a presentarvi le uscite consigliate, italiane e inglesi, della settimana!


7 Settembre

Autore: Sarah Dessen | Editore: Newton Compton Editori |  Genere: romance
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Louna, figlia di una famosa wedding planner, ha assistito a ogni sorta di matrimonio: sulla spiaggia, dentro palazzi storici, in favolosi alberghi e club. Ne ha visti così tanti che è diventata un po’ cinica e difficilmente riesce a pensare che molte di quelle coppie vivranno “per sempre felici e contente”. Anche perché il suo primo amore è finito in modo tragico: il ragazzo che amava è morto in circostanze tragiche. Quando Louna incontra, proprio a un matrimonio, un ragazzo affascinante, allegro e spensierato, ma che le sembra il tipico donnaiolo, cerca di tenerlo a debita distanza. Ma Ambrose non ha alcuna intenzione di lasciarsi scoraggiare, perché crede di avere incontrato l’unica ragazza con cui davvero vuole stare. I fan di Sarah Dessen ameranno questa storia ricca di ironia, romanticismo e con un finale lieto ma anche imperfetto... proprio come la vita!

Autore: Jennifer L. Armentrout | Editore: HarperCollins |  Serie: Covenant #5 | Genere: paranormal romance

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Alexandria ha sempre avuto paura di due cose: perdere sé stessa dopo il Risveglio, ed essere ridotta in servitù per mezzo dell'elisir. Ma l'amore è sempre stato più forte del fato e Aiden è pronto a dichiarare guerra all'Olimpo - e al lato oscuro di Alex - pur di riaverla con sé. Intanto il mondo è sull'orlo del caos. Gli dei hanno già ucciso una moltitudine di persone e potrebbero distruggere intere città nel tentativo di impedire ad Alex di cedere il suo potere a Seth, il primo Apollyon, rendendolo così l'invincibile Sterminatore di Dei. E interrompere l'oscuro legame tra lei e Seth non è l'unico problema, perché la sola persona che potrebbe sapere come arginare il disastro è morta da secoli. Ad Alex e Aiden non resta dunque che penetrare negli Inferi per parlare con lei e poi trovare il modo di tornare indietro. È un'impresa disperata e i pericoli in agguato sono inimmaginabili, eppure non esiste altro modo per impedire a Seth di diventare lo Sterminatore... o ad Alex di prendere il suo posto.

Autore: Sabaa Tahir | Serie: Il Dominio del Fuoco #2 | Editore: Casa Editrice Nord | Genere: fantasy
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Per tutta la vita, a Elias è stato ripetuto che il suo destino era servire l'Impero. Ma tutto è cambiato quando lui si è rifiutato di giustiziare Laia, una schiava la cui unica colpa era sognare un mondo migliore. In quell'istante, Elias ha capito di non voler diventare lo strumento di un regime oppressivo e autoritario, che ha proibito ogni forma di scrittura. E per questo è stato condannato a morte. Tuttavia in suo aiuto è accorsa Laia, che adesso gli propone un patto: lei lo farà scappare se, in cambio, lui la guiderà fino a Kauf, la famigerata prigione in cui sono reclusi i traditori, e l'aiuterà a organizzare l'evasione di suo fratello Darin. Elias accetta e, ben presto, i due si ritrovano a marciare attraverso una terra selvaggia e irta di pericoli, costantemente braccati dall'esercito imperiale. Ed Elias scoprirà troppo tardi che tra i soldati che danno la caccia a lui e a Laia c'è anche Helene, la sua compagna di addestramento, la sua amica più fidata. L'unica che è sempre stata in grado di prevedere ogni sua mossa. E adesso Helene ha un solo, straziante obiettivo: ucciderlo...


5 Settembre


Autore: Sarah J Maas | Editore: Bloomsbury | Serie: Throne of Glass #6 | Genere: fantasy
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Olivia Jones must make a choice. Caught between two rival supernatural forces, Liv was granted a brief period in which to make her decision. Now that time has run out. Whichever side she chooses, someone she loves will pay. Her lover, Ricky. Gabriel Walsh, the man she knows she cannot, must not love. Her parents, already trapped in prison.And now there is a new, terrifying power rising - one that doesn't distinguish between good and evil intentions. It feeds on chaos and destroys without mercy. Unless Liv acts fast, no one will survive. In this gripping thriller, international bestselling author Kelley Armstrong brings the Cainsville series to a powerful, richly rewarding climax.


Autore: Melissa Bashardoust | Editore: Flatiron Books | Genere: fantasy, retelling
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At sixteen, Mina's mother is dead, her magician father is vicious, and her silent heart has never beat with love for anyone—has never beat at all, in fact, but she’d always thought that fact normal. She never guessed that her father cut out her heart and replaced it with one of glass. When she moves to Whitespring Castle and sees its king for the first time, Mina forms a plan: win the king’s heart with her beauty, become queen, and finally know love. The only catch is that she’ll have to become a stepmother.

Fifteen-year-old Lynet looks just like her late mother, and one day she discovers why: a magician created her out of snow in the dead queen’s image, at her father’s order. But despite being the dead queen made flesh, Lynet would rather be like her fierce and regal stepmother, Mina. She gets her wish when her father makes Lynet queen of the southern territories, displacing Mina. Now Mina is starting to look at Lynet with something like hatred, and Lynet must decide what to do—and who to be—to win back the only mother she’s ever known…or else defeat her once and for all.

Entwining the stories of both Lynet and Mina in the past and present, Girls Made of Snow and Glass traces the relationship of two young women doomed to be rivals from the start. Only one can win all, while the other must lose everything—unless both can find a way to reshape themselves and their story.

Autore: Meg Kassel | Editore: Entangled Publishing | Genere: fantasy
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A simple but forgotten truth: Where harbingers of death appear, the morgues will soon be full.

Angie Dovage can tell there’s more to Reece Fernandez than just the tall, brooding athlete who has her classmates swooning, but she can’t imagine his presence signals a tragedy that will devastate her small town. When something supernatural tries to attack her, Angie is thrown into a battle between good and evil she never saw coming. Right in the center of it is Reece—and he’s not human.

What's more, she knows something most don't. That the secrets her town holds could kill them all. But that’s only half as dangerous as falling in love with a harbinger of death

Autore: Sabaa Tahir | Editore: Arlequin Teen | Genere: contemporary, YA
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Lena Wise is always looking forward to tomorrow, especially at the start of her senior year. She's ready to pack in as much friend time as possible, to finish college applications and to maybe let her childhood best friend Sebastian know how she really feels about him. For Lena, the upcoming year is going to be epic—one of opportunities and chances.
Until one choice, one moment, destroys everything.
Now Lena isn't looking forward to tomorrow. Not when friend time may never be the same. Not when college applications feel all but impossible. Not when Sebastian might never forgive her for what happened.
For what she let happen.
With the guilt growing each day, Lena knows that her only hope is to move on. But how can she move on when her and her friends' entire existences have been redefined? How can she move on when tomorrow isn't even guaranteed?


Autore: Adam Silvera | Editore: HarperTeen | Genere: contemporary
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On September 5, a little after midnight, Death-Cast calls Mateo Torrez and Rufus Emeterio to give them some bad news: They're going to die today. Mateo and Rufus are total strangers, but, for different reasons, they're both looking to make a new friend on their End Day. The good news: There's an app for that. It's called the Last Friend, and through it, Rufus and Mateo are about to meet up for one last great adventure and to live a lifetime in a single day.

Autore: E. Lockhart | Editore: Delacorte Press | Genere: contemporary
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The story of a young woman whose diabolical smarts are her ticket into a charmed life. But how many times can someone reinvent themselves? You be the judge.

Imogen is a runaway heiress, an orphan, a cook, and a cheat.
Jule is a fighter, a social chameleon, and an athlete.
An intense friendship. A disappearance. A murder, or maybe two.
A bad romance, or maybe three.
Blunt objects, disguises, blood, and chocolate. The American dream, superheroes, spies, and villains.
A girl who refuses to give people what they want from her.
A girl who refuses to be the person she once was.

Autore: Salman Rushdie | Editore: Random House | Genere: fiction
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When powerful real-estate tycoon Nero Golden immigrates to the States under mysterious circumstances, he and his three adult children assume new identities, taking 'Roman' names, and move into a grand mansion in downtown Manhattan. Arriving shortly after the inauguration of Barack Obama, he and his sons, each extraordinary in his own right, quickly establish themselves at the apex of New York society.

The story of the powerful Golden family is told from the point of view of their Manhattanite neighbour and confidant, René, an aspiring filmmaker who finds in the Goldens the perfect subject. René chronicles the undoing of the house of Golden: the high life of money, of art and fashion, a sibling quarrel, an unexpected metamorphosis, the arrival of a beautiful woman, betrayal and murder, and far away, in their abandoned homeland, some decent intelligence work.

Invoking literature, pop culture, and the cinema, Rushdie spins the story of the American zeitgeist over the last eight years, hitting every beat: the rise of the birther movement, the Tea Party, Gamergate and identity politics; the backlash against political correctness; the ascendency of the superhero movie, and, of course, the insurgence of a ruthlessly ambitious, narcissistic, media-savvy villain wearing make-up and with coloured hair.

In a new world order of alternative truths, Salman Rushdie has written the ultimate novel about identity, truth, terror and lies. A brilliant, heartbreaking realist novel that is not only uncannily prescient but shows one of the world’s greatest storytellers working at the height of his powers.

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